The lecture will chart the career of Vera Rubin as an astronomer from school days, through university and on to professional research positions. The lecture will detail her collaboration with Kent Ford to use the newly developed image tube spectrograph which improved the optical sensitivity of telescopes ten-fold. Its subsequent use to plot the rotation curve of the Andromeda Galaxy and the unexpected results of that work will be described. Subsequent study of a range of field galaxies led to the confirmation of dark matter as part of spiral galaxy structure. The lecture will also briefly describe the instrument that was used for these discoveries and a brief indication of the properties of dark matter. Awards received by Vera Rubin in later life will also be mentioned.
Paul Bates is currently the President of the Irish Astronomical Association, a part-time lecturer in physics and astronomy at the Belfast Metropolitan College and a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. His particular interest presently is to encourage the shift of astronomy into a more central place in the curriculum of schools in Northern Ireland through his participation in AEON, the Astronomy Educators Outreach Network in the UK.
Venue: Larmor Lecture Theatre, Astrophysics Research Centre, Physics Building, QUB.
Admission free, including light refreshments, All welcome.